Oktobergenser - English
Oktobergenser - English
Vanlig pris
100,00 NOK
Vanlig pris
100,00 NOK
Sizes: XS (S) M (L) XL
Finished bust circumference: 100 cm (110 cm) 120 cm
(130 cm) 140 cm
Suggested needles:
8.0 mm (40 cm and 80 cm) and 7.0 mm (40 cm and 80
cm) circular needles
Sweater length (measured from middle of back
50cm (52cm) 54cm (56cm) 58 cm (60cm)
Gauge: approx. 12 stitches = 10 cm in stockinette
Suggested yarn: Two strands of Drops Kid silk 175g
(200g) 200g (200g) 225g held together with one strand of
Drops Air 200g (250g) 250g (300g) 350g
Two strands of Sandnes Tynn silk mohair 150g
held together with one strand of Sandnes Kos 250g